In an article in the Bangor News, John H. Gregory (executive director of Information Technologies at
the University of Maine) and Ralph Caruso (chief information officer at
the University of Maine System) advocate net neutrality from the perspective of higher education.
"The network operators are now proposing to create a two-tiered network
infrastructure that allows only certain applications onto a “premium”
Internet lane leaving universities, entrepreneurs, consumers, small
businesses and any other individuals without deep pockets to the slower
lane. Taxpayers of our state already pay hard-earned money to support
state-funded organizations like our universities, libraries, K-12
schools and museums.
Under the network operators’ plan, these
vital distance learning courses and other Internet related educational
programs may be cut due to already scarce education resources.
Consumers, small businesses, students and other innovators also unable
to pay these premium fees would also be left behind in their ability to
compete and make their inventions readily available to the public via
the Internet."
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